Official Agreement

The official MyCardStatement Agreement may utilize the Card to get legal goods and services from any cardholder or entity that accepts the Card to receive non-purchase transactions. Moreover, the official restrictions are solely applicable to the MyCardStatement Login account and the usage of other card features.


As used in this official organization My Card Statement agreement, the term “purchases” comprises purchases and balance changes (a “balance transfer” is a transfer of funds to a different creditor that we initiate at the request and that may add a transaction and adjustments affiliated with all transfers and incorporate the term “cash advances”.

Convenience checks as utilized in this Agreement, the term “Convenience Checks” refers to all the checks that we make accessible to access credit on the MyCardStatement Login account. Here are the relevant details for the same:-
fund-raising prospects by an ATM or financial institution.

  • the possession of assets through the bank transfer, money order, foreign currency, traveler’s checks, savings bonds, tickets, gift cards, or voucher valuables.
  • the acquisition of cryptocurrencies, inclusive of but not limited to Bitcoin.
    engage in another similar activity.
  • As utilized in this official MyCardStatement Agreement, all amounts will be charged, inclusive of the annual fees (as outlined below) or other charges.

The prices charged stated in the agreement are called fees which are charged by the official authority along with the MyCardStatement Login portal as per the norms. Fees involve but are not confined to, purchases, balance transfers, prepaid, or convenience checks whether or not the respective MyCardStatement cardholder has signed a rate card.

Cardholders agree to take reasonable steps to restrict unauthorized usage of the Cards, Convenience Checks, and the MyCardStatement Login account. Agree to terms of the card upon the original receipt at the online portal My Card Statement. Cardholders agree to utilize the My Card Statement Account (inclusive of the Convenience Cards and checks) only for legal acquisitions of goods and facilities and not to utilize the Convenience MyCardStatement Account.